Sunday, 19 March 2017


A political battle is set between PNU which Munya leads and Jubilee Party as both parties lay claim to an office block in Kangemi.
Munya claims the building which had been painted with Jubilee party colours and logo originally belonged to PNU and was the party headquarters.

In an attempt to reclaim the building, the Meru governor on Monday, March 13 led PNU supporters in repainting the building blue; the official PNU colours.

Photos of the building Munya and Uhuru are fighting over
Munya said Jubilee should leave the Kangemi building alone since it has its office in Pangani.
Munya declined to fold PNU to join Jubilee when other parties supporting Uhuru's re-election were called to do so and complied.
The Council of Governors chairman said Jubilee should leave the Kangemi building alone since it has its office in Pangani.
Jubilee unveiled the Pangani office late 2016 said to have been bought from a local businessman for hundreds of millions of shillings.
Photos of the building Munya and Uhuru are fighting over
The Meru governor on Monday, March 13 led PNU supporters in repainting the building blue.
He added that for the last one year, they have asked Jubilee party to move out of the Kangemi premises without sucess.
But Jubilee Party Secretary General Veronicah Maina said the Kangemi office belongs to Jubilee party while the Head of Jubilee Secretariat Raphael Tuju said the trustees will decide which party owns the building.

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